Leatherback Travel is the operator of Patch Adventures, Camino Women, and Magnificent Rail

1.0 Guidelines for Leatherback Travel Groups

The World Health Organisation downgraded COVID-19 from a global health emergency on 5th May 2023.
For this reason, we are moving towards a general policy that covers Highly Transmissible Communicable Diseases including Covid-19, Influenza, and Gastro.
We do realise that COVID-19 remains a risk to our groups and that some of our destinations still have local COVID regulations in place. The following guidelines will help us to manage the risk.

1.1 Destination Monitoring

In line with current Industry Standards, Leatherback Travel has removed the requirement for all customers to be fully vaccinated or take a COVID test to be able to travel with us.

Customers are encouraged to check specific entry requirements regarding vaccines and be up to date regarding COVID information before travel. We cannot recommend vaccines or provide information about general vaccination needs before travel; for this reason it is best to talk to a medical professional before traveling, if you have any concerns about these issues.

Trips will not be canceled as a result of a change in destination entry/isolation requirements; standard cancellation terms will apply if you decide to cancel.

1.2 Expectations

We run trips to many countries that have very low vaccination rates against Covid-19, influenza, and other diseases. Public health policy is weak or poorly implemented, and public health education is either lacking or non-existent. While it is possible to reduce risk to a limited extent, it is not possible to eliminate risk of sickness. This is one of the few downsides of travel.

For this reason, if you have strong concerns about contracting a disease, or have particular vulnerabilities in terms of your own health, you should reconsider travel, or consult with a medical professional as to the best ways to ensure you stay healthy and safe.

We do have guidelines – more on that below – but even perfect adherence to these guidelines cannot guarantee that you’ll be protected. The risk of contracting illness is real, and unfortunately it does happen that even the most prepared guests on trips can fall ill.

Please come to your trip prepared for different eventualities. Covid-19 is not the only risk – many of our destination countries have an elevated risk of diarrhea, gastro, food poisoning, or waterborne illnesses. Because it is possible to test for Covid-19, we recommend bringing 10+ RAT tests as it is easy to run out quickly, and it is difficult to locate tests in many of the destinations we travel to. In fact, in most of our destination countries, it is now almost impossible to acquire RAT tests in many areas – including major cities.

1.3 Guidelines


  • Leaders are expected to follow our protection protocols below if they appear to be ill with a transmissible disease that does not have widely available testing (eg influenza, gastro.)
  • Leaders are no longer required to be fully vaccinated or to test routinely for Covid-19 before leading a group.
  • If a leader shows clear COVID symptoms in the days prior to a tour, they should take a COVID test. The leader will not be able to join the trip if they receive a positive test result. Leatherback will source an alternative trip leader.
  • Leaders should still have access to the following items in case they are required: face coverings/masks, hand sanitiser, COVID tests (if available).


  • Guests are no longer required to be fully vaccinated or to test routinely for Covid-19 before joining a Leatherback group.
  • If a guest shows clear COVID symptoms in the days prior to a tour, they should take a COVID test. To avoid embarrassment, please proactively test before being asked. The guest will not be able to join the trip if they receive a positive test result; they can join the trip upon a negative test.
  • Guests should still have access to the following items in case they are required: face coverings/masks, hand sanitiser, COVID tests (if available)

1.4 Group Briefing on COVID

Leaders should inform customers at the start of the trip:

  • Of the current local regulations and cultural norms that relate to COVID and the requirement to follow these. This should include what happens in the case of a positive COVID-19 test result.
  • That they may be required to take a test should they, or others in the group show clear COVID symptoms during the tour. This may be in line with local guidelines or at the request of the leader if there are circumstances where it would be wise, such as vulnerable group members or where significant concerns exist.
  • Of the need for guests to report any test results to them (both positive and negative).

2.1 Guest Displays COVID Symptoms During Tour

  • Guests who arrive displaying potential symptoms should take proactive steps to test themselves if they show symptoms of Covid illness.
  • The leader will decide whether a customer with clear COVID symptoms needs to take a test. This decision should be based on factors such as whether there are local guidelines on who requires testing, whether there are any vulnerable customers in the group, if any customer expresses concerns, or if the trip includes travel to remote areas far from medical help.
  • The leader has full discretion regarding who they ask to take a test; and it is at their discretion as to whether the symptoms on display point to a need for testing. The primary symptoms to be monitored will be a persistent cough or fever.
  • If a test result is negative, the leader will monitor and, if the symptoms persist and the leader considers it necessary, may ask that they take further COVID tests over the following days.
  • Guests may contact Leatherback if there have been concerns raised within the group about how the situation is being handled.

2.3 Guest Has Fallen Ill with a Communicable Disease That Doesn’t Have Rapid Testing Available

  • The leader should ask the customer to take reasonable and practical steps to reduce the risk of the infection spreading to other group members. This will typically include not being able to join group meals or activities and arranging separate transport, but will depend on practicality and circumstances. The leader will make the final decision.
  • The leader, in conjunction with our support staff, will do their best to enable the guest to enjoy as much of their trip as possible, with minimal disruption, however this is dependent on the circumstances and can’t be guaranteed.
  • The leader should ask all group members to take sensible preventative measures for a reasonable length of time, such as wearing face coverings when in enclosed spaces, increased hand sanitisation, ensuring good ventilation when indoors, and encouraging regular monitoring of symptoms and self-testing if appropriate. *Note – if the guest is on a walking-focused trip, they will be able to continue walking with the group at their own discretion but must take responsibility for their own symptoms and request medical care where needed. The guest will be asked to walk at the rear of the group.

2.4 Guest Tests Positive for COVID During a Tour

  • The leader will report the issue to Leatherback Travel.
  • The leader will follow any local regulations in place and will advise the guest of these. If local regulations mean that the customer cannot continue on the trip, the customer should be encouraged to contact their travel insurance provider.
  • If the guest is very unwell or needs medical attention, medical attention should be sought. The guest is responsible for communicating this to the Leader.
  • The leader will inform the rest of the group of the positive COVID case and those who exhibit clear symptoms may need to take a test.
  • The leader and driver should also take a COVID test. Guests who exhibit clear symptoms may need to take a test.

• If there are no local requirements in place following a positive COVID-19 case, we have a ‘Separate not Isolate’ policy:

  • The leader should ask the customer to take reasonable and practical steps to reduce the risk of the infection spreading to other group members. This will typically include not being able to join group meals or activities and arranging separate transport.
  • The leader, in conjunction with our support staff, will do their best to enable the guest to enjoy as much of their trip as possible, with minimal disruption, however this is dependent on the circumstances and can’t be guaranteed. We will do our best to provide the activities listed in the itinerary, but there will be many instances where this won’t be possible.
  • The leader should ask all group members to take sensible preventative measures for a reasonable length of time, such as wearing face coverings when in enclosed spaces, increased hand sanitisation, ensuring good ventilation when indoors, and encouraging regular monitoring of symptoms and self-testing if appropriate.
  • If a guest is unable to wear a mask, they should indicate if they have a medical exemption.
  • If any of the above arrangements incur an additional accommodation or private transportation cost, the customer or their travel insurance provider will be expected to cover these. We will pay for any additional costs in terms of activities, guides. Any additional expenses that we incur will be at our discretion.
  • The steps to reduce the risk of the spread of infection may be stepped down when any/all customers who have tested positive, receive two negative test results (taken at different times).
  • If a guest believes a RAT test is inaccurate or faulty, they may source a PCR test at their own expense; if it is practical to do so.
  • The guest should take reasonable and practical steps to reduce the risk of the infection spreading to other group members and suppliers. This will typically include not being able to join group meals or activities and arranging separate transport, but will depend on practicality and circumstances. The leader will make the final decision.
    *Note – if the guest is on a walking-focused trip, they will be able to continue walking with the group at their own discretion but must take responsibility for their own symptoms and request medical care where needed. The guest will be asked to walk at the rear of the group.

3.1 Contacting Insurance

  • If you test positive and plan on claiming on insurance, you will need to contact your insurance company immediately to understand their requirements and get approval on next steps. The insurance company may require you to take a PCR test and go through additional steps that may extend your isolation period.
  • Travel insurance is mandatory for travelling with Leatherback Travel and we encourage all guests to ensure that their policy includes COVID-19 medical and trip interruption coverages, and to understand the testing requirements of their policy. Please note, we cannot recommend travel insurance.

3.2 Supporting You

For all our trips, we have contracted a local back office support team that helps us to resolve emergency situations if they arise. If you test positive, you will be connected with that service and they will work with you to manage your case until you test negative once more. You will also be added to a group Whatsapp chat with our team, where you can ask questions and receive support.

3.3 Rejoining the Group

Once the guest tests negative by 2 consecutive RATS tests (12 hours apart) or by 1 PCR test, Leatherback Trip will make the arrangements necessary for the guest to rejoin the group, as soon as logistically possible.

It is at our discretion to move the guest to a new location if the circumstances warrant. Examples would include a lack of accommodation, available support staff, or local medical facilities. This would happen in separate transportation to the main group.

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